美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校机械系副系主任Tony Schmitz教授等讲座通知
应赵万华教授、张俊副教授邀请,美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校(UNCC)机械系副系主任、ASME-Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering副主编Tony Schmitz教授和Christine Schmitz编辑顾问将于6月14日至6月17日来访我校交流。来访期间将做系列学术讲座,欢迎感兴趣的老师和学生积极参加。报告安排如下:
| 地点
| 报告人
| 报告题目
| 09:00-10:15
| 曲江校区西五楼A424
| Tony Schmitz
| Is all chatter bad?
| Christine Schmitz
| Using poetry to improve technical writing skills
| 09:00-10:15
| 曲江校区西五楼A424
| Tony Schmitz
| A comparison of two analytical milling stability analyses with time domain simulation
| Christine Schmitz
| Three methods to improve your technical writing
| 09:00-10:15
| 曲江校区西五楼A424
| Tony Schmitz
| Productivity progression with tool wear in titanium milling
| Christine Schmitz
| How to give an effective technical presentation
Tony Schmitz biography:
Tony Schmitz received his BS in Mechanical Engineering from Temple University in 1993, his MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida in 1996, and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida in 1999. Schmitz completed a post-doctoral appointment at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and was then employed as a Mechanical Engineer from 1999-2002. During this time, he was also a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University. Schmitz accepted an appointment in the University of Florida’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (UF MAE) in 2002 and joined the Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Science Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in 2011.
His professional recognitions include: UNC Charlotte Lee College of Engineering 2013 Undergraduate Award in Teaching Excellence, 2012 Temple University Alumni Fellow, 2011 Sports Emmy Award (NBC Learn) for the Science of NFL Football video series, 2010 North American Manufacturing Research Institute/Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Outstanding Paper, 2009 UF MAE Teacher of the Year, 2005 SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer award, 2004 Journal of Tribology Best Paper Award, 2003 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, 2003 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 1999 Measurement Science and Technology Highly Commended Article, 1999 National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateship (NIST), 1999 Temple University Gallery of Success Inductee, 1998 Department of Energy/National Academy of Engineering Integrated Manufacturing Predoctoral Fellowship, and 1994 National Science Foundation Graduate Traineeship. Schmitz also serves as an associate editor for the ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. He is the author of three textbooks and over 100 journal publications.
Christine Schmitz biography:
Christine Schmitz is a communications consultant. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Florida and a BA in Journalism from Temple University. Her original work in poetry and short fiction has appeared in national and international literary journals. She worked as an English professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, University of Florida, and Santa Fe College. She was also a writer and editor for a New York Times syndicated daily newspaper.