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发布时间:2016-07-11 点击数:




授课人:C. Steve Suh (美)



课程用书:“Control of Cutting Vibration and Machining Instability – A Time-Frequency Approach for Precision, Micro and Nano Machining” by C. S. Suh and M. K. Liu, John Wiley and Sons, 2013.



Our research performed over the last decade at Texas A&M University shows that dynamic instability is a temporal-spectral aberration in the simultaneous time-frequency domain. This aberration is particularly prominent at high frequency as it is nonlinear, non-stationary, and characteristically broadband. We have demonstrated that proper mitigation of instability requires that vibration amplitudes in the time-domain and vibration spectra in the frequency-domain be simultaneously suppressed.

The course is novel, original, and unique in that it deploys simultaneous time and frequency control in real-time to efficiently negate nonlinear dynamical instability. There are no courses available anywhere that address nonlinear vibrations in the joint time-frequency domain. Nor are there theories on incorporating nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear time-frequency control into the control of bifurcation and route-to-chaos. The course differentiates itself from all available courses on control in that it integrates both basic and advanced topics from several engineering disciplines into the creation of an innovative, new control theory effective in denying bifurcation and chaotic state from emerging.

The objective is to teach graduate students and advanced undergraduate students to formulate a control methodology that mitigates instability and enables robust controller design. Powerful analytical tools essential for the characterization of dynamic instability which is inherently complex and oftentimes chaotic will be developed in the course. Concepts viable for the stipulation of instability control and system identification and signal processing will also be derived. Students will develop substantial knowledge along with computer tools through example problems on high-speed micromachining control and synchronization of chaos, among others. All students will be required as individual to formulate time-frequency control scheme for specific engineering problems that are transient, aperiodic, and broadband in nature. Such efforts will be collected as term projects and provided as a proper demonstration of course outcome.


地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号 邮编:710049
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