讲座题目:Inherent Interactions with Miniatured Wearable Devices
活动时间:2018年5月29(周二) 下午14:30-17:30点
加拿大曼尼托巴大学HCI实验室博士研究生,师从Pourang Irani教授。 他的研究方向是人机交互,涉及创新输入和输出方法,计算机辅助创意工具和移动界面。 毕业于英国布里斯托大学硕士学位,并获得XJTU-ID学士学位。 学习期间,曾在微软亚洲研究院,北京联想研究院,美国达特茅斯学院,日本本田研究所和多伦多欧特克研究中心等进行实习。
Abstract: Wearable technology appears prominently in recent years with popularization of smartwatch and activity tracker. Wearable devices facilitate quick and always-available access of information when needed. To support this, quick and short input and output bursts are needed. The main challenge is caused by the miniatured size of the devices, that limit both of the input and output space. It is essential to design efficient modalities for smartwear interactions. In this talk, I am going to present my recent work that explore, e.g., how to leverage hand generated acoustics for smartwatch input, and kinesthetic force feedback for smartring output, respectively. These input and output techniques are evaluated within the context of smartwear use. They are useful in enriching smartwear interactions via a series of demo applications.